My resume can be found here , with a brief form below.
PhD, Committee on Genetics, Genomics and Systems Biology, University of Chicago (2020-present)
Advisors: Jeremy Berg/John Novembre
MS, Botany, University of Wyoming (2018-2020)
Advisor: Alex Buerkle
BS, Electrical Engineering, University of Wyoming (2014-2017)
Minor in Computational Science
Advisor: Suresh Muknahallipatna
Shastry V, Musiani M, Novembre J (2025) Jointly representing long-range genetic similarity and spatially heterogeneous isolation-by-distance (bioRxiv)
Shastry V, Berg JJ (2024) Allele ages provide limited information about the strength of negative selection (published in GENETICS, bioRxiv)
Shastry V, Bell K, Buerkle CA, Fordyce J, Forister M, Gompter Z, Lebeis S, Lucas L, Marion Z, Nice C (2022) A continental-scale survey of Wolbachia infections in blue butterflies reveals evidence of interspecific transfer and invasion dynamics (published in G3:Genes|Genomes|Genetics, preprint)
Shastry V, Adams PE, Lindtke D, Mandeville EG, Parchman TL, Gompert Z, Buerkle CA (2021)
Model-based genotype and ancestry estimation for potential hybrids with mixed-ploidy (published as ‘From the Cover’ article in Molecular Ecology Resources, bioRxiv)
Harrison JG, Calder WJ, Shastry V, Buerkle CA (2020)
Dirichlet‐Multinomial modelling outperforms alternatives for analysis of microbiome and other ecological count data (published in Molecular Ecology Resources, bioRxiv)
FEEMSmix: extension to FEEMS for representing long-range genetic similarity on a background of spatially heterogeneous isolation-by-distance (methods subject to change)
entropy: genotype and ancestry estimation for mixed-ploidy, installable through source or as a conda package
CNVRG: R package for a Dirichlet-Multinomal model to quantify differential abundance in microbial count data